Position title
Salesman (Samarinda)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Lulusan minimal SLTA
  • Diutamakan pengalaman 3 tahun sebagai sales, pengalaman di bidang retail Buliding Material dan atau Home Appliances menjadi nilai tambah
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan menjual yang baik
  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim
  • Berorientasi dengan target, motivasi tinggi, enerjik
  • Memiliki SIM C Aktif
  • Penempatan Samarinda
  • Benefit : Insentif

Tentang Perusahaan

Since 1983, Aditya Sarana Graha (ASG) has been recognized as the nationwide provider of high quality products, solutions and services.
The 30 years of growth empowered by innovations and trust, ASG continues to strive in order to achieve its business expansion plans including the aim of evolving to be one of the best performance corporate in Indonesia and provide the continuous living quality improvement to customers.
In term of achieving its 2020 monumental goals, ASG starts off with commitment to achieve the milestones set forth in all its cross organizational business prioritizes.
The company vision to “Improve people’s living quality” in a sustainable way, everyone in ASG work together with passed-down “One Vision and Mission” philosophy, ready to serve better.

A well established distribution company and manufacturing in building material & electrical home appliances, required potential candidate to fill the post of :

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Employment Type
Job Location
Samarinda, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Base Salary
€5000000-€6000000 Per month
Date posted
14 November 2023
Valid through
28 March 2024
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